Stinger Resize 2




The Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) has given Thomson Design the authority to certify any modification, design or repair carried out to Australian registered aircraft in the following areas of specialty:-

We are the only Design Organisation in Western Australia to hold all areas of specialty.

We have also in the past been able to liaise with our international partners to provide EASA and FAA Approvals to our customers in a cost effective manner.

Click this link to view Thomson Design CASA Authority


Determining that a new Design or Modification can support the Limit Loads and Ultimate Loads seen by the aircraft is one of our greatest capabilities.  We have performed thousands of aircraft structural analysis projects over the years by applying both modern techniques of Finite Element Analysis and Classical Analysis by hand calculations.

We have experience performing the following types of stress analysis :-

All our analysis work is documented as complete Stress Reports in accordance with Aerospace Industry Standards and the requirements of CASA.    Our reports typically provide necessary schematic or details drawings for proposed design solutions.

Thomson Design FEA


Modifications to aircraft whereby a significant change in the exterior may change the performance and handling characteristics of an aircraft and would necessitate a series of flight tests to investigate.  These types of modifications usually are a result of FLIR Camera Sensor installations, Geosurvey Booms, and various type of camera pods.   Thomson Design has over the years performed a significant amount of flight testing for normal category and transport category aircraft.

We have also been involved in numerous Flight Tests which involved engine upgrades and systems function evaluation involving electromagnetic interference/compatibility (EMI/EMC) clearance.

Cessna 208 CGG 455x304
uav 455x304


Thomson Design was responsible for the Design and Development of the Kestrel Unmanned Aircraft for UASci Ltd, Australia.    The Kestrel is a blended wing and body design with a wingspan of 18ft and is powered by two 3W two stroke petrol engines.  Due to reliability issues commonly faced by model aircraft engines used for UAV Applications, the twin engine concept serves to increase reliability and survivability of the air vehicle in the event of a single engine failure.  During the design phase extensive simulation work was carried on the Aerodynamic Model of the aircraft to ensure superior stability and minimized drag, even with one engine operating the aircraft will still operate comfortably.  For more information regarding the Kestrel UAV, please go to

Aircraft Design, Modification, Repair, Certification & Approval